• 09.00 s.d. 18.00

Wednesday, August 10 2022 02.00 PM - 04.00 PM Indonesian Time

Webinar International : "The Advantage of Green Engineering"


Organized by University of Science & Computer Technology (STEKOM University) collaboration Debre Tabor University (Ethiopia), Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (Ukraine), Indonesian Smart Teacherpreneur Association (PTIC)


Opening Speech

1. Dr. Joseph Teguh Santoso (Rector of STEKOM University)



1. Kefyalew Kibie Bishaw (Lecture of Civil Engineering)

2. Valeriia Lymar (Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting Head of International Relations and Foreign Policy)

3. Wibi Ardi Alvianto, M.Pd (Lecturer of Graphic Design)


Online Registration for Audience: http://bit.ly/registrasi-engineering

Link Zoom: http://bit.ly/zoom-engineering

Meeting ID: 873 5059 8369    Passcode:STEKOM


Live YouTube : http://bit.ly/live-engineering

(Don't forget to subscribe and ring the bell, so you don't miss this amazing event)


FREE: Useful knowledge, verified e-certificate by verification.me (cannot be faked, on D+5)


Information : : http://wa.me/6285880000011

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