• 09.00 s.d. 18.00

Universitas STEKOM in collaboration with Comsats Univerity Islamabad (Pakistan) proud to present Visiting International Lecture 


Speaker :

1.    Dr Hamid Masud (Management Science Department)

Topic: "HRM: Significance and Challenges in current pandemic situation"


2.    Mr. Muhammad Mudassir Feroz, MS., BS (Computer Science Department)

Topic: "Computer Security and challenges"


3.    Mr. Shahkar Ullah Khan, MBA., BA (Management Science Department)

Topic: "Marketing and its changing dynamics"


This event has been held on Tuesday-Thursday, August 3-5, 2021 at 2.00 pm Indonesian time. Participants took part in this activity through the zoom application and the live Youtube channel @STEKOM University. In addition to very useful knowledge, participants also get a free International e-Certificate.

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