*Wednesday, September 15 2022 2.00 - 4.00 PM (Western Indonesian Time)*
Let's join the Visiting Lecture with Lecturer from *Higher Educational Institution "Podillia State University" (Ukraine)* in collaboration with *University of Science Computer and Technology*, *STIE (STEKOM)*,
*Polytechnic PRATAMA*, *Industrial and Vocational Community Association (PERKIVI)*, *Smart Indonesian Teacherpreneur Association (PTIC)* and *TopLoker.com*
*Wednesday, September 15 2022*
*Presentation by : Ass. Prof Valentyna Borkovska PhD (Ass. Prof Educational and Scientific, Institute of Business and Finance Department of Accounting, Taxation and E-Business Technologies)*
Topic: "The system of Calculation and Payment in Conditions of Martial Law in Ukraine"
*Live YouTube :* https://bit.ly/live-martiallaw
*Online Registration :* https://bit.ly/daftar-martiallaw
*Link Zoom :* https://bit.ly/zoom-martiallaw
Meeting ID: Passcode:
_(Don't forget to subscribe and ring the bell, so you don't miss this amazing event)_
*Benefit :* Beneficial Knowledge, E-Certificate verification from verifikasi.me (cannot be faked, on H+5)
Information : http://wa.me/6285880000011 |