• 09.00 s.d. 18.00

4 Lecturer of STEKOM University has become Invited Speaker/Lecture at Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering (India) 

Day-1 :  Senin, 14 Maret 2022, 11.30 AM

Mr. Wibi Ardi Alvianto, S.Pd., M.Pd. (Lecturer of Department of Graphic Design)

Topic: "Types and Functions of Copywriting"

 Ms Teams : https://bit.ly/meet-computerscience1

Youtube : https://bit.ly/live-computerscience1

Day-2 :  Selasa, 15 Maret 2022, 11.30 AM

Mr. Edy Jogatama Purhita, M.Ds. (Head of Computer Graphic Department)

Topic: "Development of Motion Capture Technology and Implementation on Animation"

 Ms Teams : https://bit.ly/meet-computerscience2

Youtube : https://bit.ly/live-computerscience2

Day-3 :  Rabu, 16 Maret 2022, 11.30 AM

Mr. Setyo Adi Nugroho, S.E., M.Kom. (Lecturer of Computer Graphic Department)

Topic: "Development of Motion Capture Technology and Implementation on Animation"

 Ms Teams : https://bit.ly/meet-computerscience3

Youtube : https://bit.ly/live-computerscience3

Day-4:  Kamis, 17 Maret 2022, 11.30 AM

Mr. Ahmad Zaenuri, M.Si (Head of Entrepreneurship Department)

Topic: " The Role Of Digital Technology Development In MSME Marketing Strategies and Distribution Channels"

 Ms Teams : https://bit.ly/meet-computerscience4

Youtube : https://bit.ly/live-computerscience4

 Pendaftaran : https://bit.ly/daftar-computerscience

Gratis : Ilmu dan e-sertifikat, akan dikirimkan melalui email pada H+5

Informasi hubungi : http://wa.me/6285880000011


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